Thursday, 17 September 2015

Logo is simply a piece of art - MYTH

When it comes to logo designing, many of us feel that it is merely a beautiful piece of art which looks attractive and gives an iconic identity to any business. This is not actually true. A logo represents much more than that.

When we talk of logo, each minute thing matters; The color chosen, the shape, the brightness, the font, the size and more. Had this not been true, companies like Airtel, Toyota, Google, etc. would not have spent millions to change their logos.

Logo represents the ideology of the company. Companies these days are more inclined towards choosing a younger and dynamic logo which is in complement to today`s time.

To quote a few incidents of logo change:
Airtel changed its logo to a more global, younger and aspirational one.  
The new logo of airtel is an open a kind of a figure with one side open and round in shape. This gives a more global image. The new logo retained its red color to maintain their ethnicity that has brought them to the current levels of success.

Talking about Google, the new logo seems to have Sans terif typeface as its font now changed from its previous logo font – Serif Wordmark font. The new logo seems to have more legibility, and is read well not just in a small-screen android phone but also in a large TV screen. The new logo of Google is Dynamic. With this changed logo, Google now wants to position itself not just as a Search Engine but also as a producer of a self-driving car, beaming internet through balloons, etc. This new logo of google is considered to be more dynamic, peppy and modern.

The three eclipses of the Toyota logo represents 3 hearts: one of the customer, other of the product and the third is the heart of progress in the field of technology.

Now answer this: Ever thought why we prefer expensive T- shirts with a Nike logo over an inexpensive local T- shirt? Logo of a brand, many-a-times, becomes its strongest marketing tool.

There are companies which are providing online aid of developing any logo of your choice . They provide wide range of designs – which are merely piece of art and have no relevance of the logo and the company vision. This is misguiding and brings a wrong beginning to a new start.

So, next time you are looking to get a logo designed for your company, be very careful, that you do not see it just as a piece of art ; try to look beyond!

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